Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Monkeys, Feet, and Alligators

While studying for my classes, I have been trying desperately to curb the poor behavior of one pooch in particular...who shall remain nameless (Jake. Just sayin'.)  Now don't get me wrong.  This guy has a LOT of great things going for him.  He is a gorgeous animal and is sweet and loving most of the time.  He just has this dirty little habit.  He likes to bite my feet.  Now, when I say bite, I don't mean drawing blood.  I mean to say that he puts his mouth on them and closes his jaw ever so slightly.  It may not bother most, especially when they are wearing shoes.  But to this ol' 50 year old mema  (with arthritis in her toe) it hurts!

So what am I doing to help Jake through his foot cravings?  Well, I have tried many things.  However, I do believe that it comes down to this one thing: boredom.  Jake has a real need to play...actively.  Emphasis on the actively.  Telling him "no" gets no response.  Most other techniques are not working either.  I want desperately to reinforce an alternative behavior, but SHEESH! He does not exhibit any alternative behavior at the time this is happening.  So I am giving him one.  Yes!  If there is NO alternative behavior, why not give him one?  I have tried giving him bones to no avail.  Wouldn't you think that this is a desire to chew?  Not so.  Apparently Jake just wants to engage in matter how painful.  So I  now offer him a pull toy.  He has two.  One is an alligator, the other a monkey.  Mind you, they are unrecognizable at this point.  But they are his pull toys and they make him happy, happy, happy.  By the way...this is Jake with his monkey.

  • So the question is:  am I rewarding him for his bad behavior by doing this?  We will talk about that in a future post.  For now, let's hear your questions, concerns, and comments!